Affiliates & Agencies

Demand for creative and technical services in Jersey is rapidly exceeding the available supply of skills; and there is more client work being created all the time with the growing understanding of the power of marketing and online services.

Agent Design has a larger network of full-time staff based in Jersey, the UK, Russia, Thailand, India, Argentina and Australia available for round the clock creative and technical services.

We are so confident in the growing requirements for these services we are happy to partner with teams needing to outsource design and technical services work under confidentiality and client or project specific non-compete agreements. This gives clients and suppliers confidence in the continuity, speed and reliability of service and support as well as having a wider choice of creative ideas to match to their own vision.

If your team could use our scale and experience to finish a project on-time, on-budget and to exceed your clients expectations then please feel free to contact us with your requirements in the strictest of confidence.